ニュー・インティマシー ワイルド ワイルド ウエスト
2022年9月11日[日]─ 9月25日[日]
13:00 ~19:00 水・木休廊
会場 : Gallery PARC / 入場無料 〒602-8242 京都府京都市上京区皀莢町287 堀川新文化ビルヂング 2階
Sep 11 (Sat)– Sep 25 (Sun) OPEN 13:00 – 19:00 ※CLOSED on Wed and Thu Venue : Gallery PARC
curation Kaoru Kan + Kazuhito Tanaka organaized by soda + Gallery PARC
本展キュレーション 菅 かおる + 田中 和人 主催:soda + Gallery PARC
2014年より4回目となる本展「NEW INTIMACIES WILD WILD WEST」は、 関西以西に在住・活動するアーティストにより構成します。
厚地 朋子+山下 耕平 Atsuchi Tomoko (artist) + Yamashita Kohei (artist)
今村 達紀+林 葵衣 Imamura Tatsunori (dancer) + Hayashi Aoi (artist)
大屋 和代 + 田中 秀介 Oya Kazuyo (homemaker) + Tanaka Shusuke (artist)
菅 かおる+田中 和人 Kan Kaoru (artist) + Tanaka Kazuhito (artist)
楠井 沙耶+黒川 岳 Kusui Saya (artist) + Kurokawa Gaku (artist)
小西 景子+西村 涼 Konishi Keiko (artist) + Nishimura Ryo (artist)
増本 奈穂+増本 泰斗 Masumoto Naho (Hozonshoku Lab) + Masumoto Yasuto (artist)
Institutions, exhibitions, publications, and art criticism – the various mechanisms of the art world - all revolve around the individual style of the singular artist. The relationships between the artist and his/her peers seems to remain in the background. Questions arise. How could we know if two artists sharing a studio influence each other? How could their ideas emerge out of discussions at the dinner table? Or how could their perceptions be shaped by the mutual experience of traveling together?
This exhibition invites art couples. They are artists, gallerists, and curators. Many of the couples don’t collaborate regularly. Yes, they love each other, but they sometimes criticize each other too. In some occasions, they must compromise their wills for one another. They might even break up in the future. There’s so much complexity to a love relationship - what kind of particular “intimacy” could we locate between them?
Today, we know what is happening, and what is being discussed around the world because of internet and smart phones. We can participate in the highly personal event of a friend who is far away as if it is happening right in front of our eyes. The relationships between people occur on a global scale, but “intimacy” is still a primal currency.
The “intimacy” of two which is developed by spending everyday together. The “intimacy” of two as a result of emotional quarrel. The “intimacy” of communication behind the technological advancement. The “intimacy” of the struggle to understand your partner’s thought and art practice. This exhibition focuses on such exchanges between couples. The exhibition asks each couple to make artwork as a collaboration.
A couple is a small unit, but its complexities exist in the history and emotional landscape of the relationship. Their artwork could claim a new standard in today’s highly speed information society. The couples will present unexpected values in this exhibition, and make them available toward the public. The possibilities of “new intimacies” are coming. It’s embarrassing to call this “love”, but this exhibition will discover it at last.
文字通り「親密すぎる」関係であるカップルが、展覧会を通じて新鮮な価値を提示し、パブリックな場で交差させることで、ひとつの可能性を開くことができるのではないだろうか。「愛」と呼んだら大げさだが、私達は「New Intimacies/ニュー・インティマシー」を通じてそれを探求する。